My plan for Afrika Burn was to shoot the living daylights out of it. I actually planned to shoot the daylights, the nightlights and everything else in between. But Afrika Burn had other plans for me, so these pictures are a story within a chapter of my Afrika Burn experience. This year was my second Burn, and I can tell you that there will be more stories and more chapters as we are already thinking of next year. It hooks you like that!

For those of you who haven’t heard about Afrika Burn, it is an arts festival that could be described as Africa’s version of Burning Man, and it happens once a year in the desert in the Tankwa Karoo National Park. Thousands of people come together to form a community that celebrates love, life, self-expression and creativity. It’s a place where you can be your inner unicorn and not be judged, a place where there is nothing to be bought or sold, a place where you can dance naked under the stars if that is really what you can do, or you can just sit and watch the sheer whimsy and delight of it all! It is an artist’s paradise, a safe space for the inner child to run free and for the adult to learn that society could be better if we all practiced more kindness, generosity and sense of community.

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