SA Shipyards Commercial Content Photo Library

SA Shipyards Commercial Content Photo Library

South African Shipyards is Africa’s leading commercial and naval ship building and ship repair company and is found on the docks in Durban. Near the beginning of 2020 I took on an assignment with them to create a photo library of stand out images that they can use across all media platforms, from their website to social media to PR. We did the first shoot pre-corona, and when the pandemic hit, the world changed!

SA shipyards is deemed as an essential service and was allowed to continue operating from Level four of South Africa’s lockdown, and when this happened it became important for them to have images that communicate their new safety procedures. This company is extremely safety conscious and puts the well being of their employee first.

We also continued doing a number of headshots of important employees and the CEO, Prasheen Maharaj and captured other aspects of their operations – these were all done with proper social distancing and safety measures.

If you need any content creation done for your company drop me an email and let’s chat!

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Self Care Creativity Challenge

Self Care Creativity Challenge

Self-care conjures up images of spas, bubble baths and candles! It can be seen as somewhat indulgent but self-care is actually one of the most important habits to nurture, because when our chips are down we can serve no one! If you don’t prioritize your physical, emotional and mental well being who will?


There are some people who are masters at self care and disciplined with a capital D but for most of us we’re on a yoyo. One minute we are looking after ourselves, and the next we are falling off the yoga mat and eating all the cake. That’s me anyway!


It’s soooooo easy to get out of the habit of making healthy lifestyle choices that will serve our long-term energy levels, especially when we are already frazzled. I know that when I am sad or stressed it feels so much easier to go for short term fixes and instant gratification as opposed to going for that run. Our brain tends to choose what is easy, safe and requires the least energy. It loves to trick us into staying on the couch!


As photographers it is vital that we are physically fit and well as we are literally using our bodies to make a living! We also want to be mentally and emotionally healthy as well because we are dealing with people all the time, and running a business is stressful!!!
Most of us tend to prioritize getting the work done instead of making sure we can keep doing the work at optimum power. This doesn’t help our energy levels in the long term and if we keep abusing our bodies burn out is a serious risk. Trust me, I’ve been there and it takes a very long time to bounce back!

We need to keep filling that creative cup to stay inspired but when the editing pile is sky high this is often neglected. The result of not actively doing things to inspire is that we can start repetitively making the same old boring stuff!

I’ve had a crazy year and I’m feeling shattered. I want to be on tip top form for December season and I definitely want to end this year off on a high note so I’m doing this challenge to up my energy levels and fill my creative cup. I am inviting you to join me because I love to help people and quite frankly you will be holding me accountable!


What will this challenge involve?

On Thursday the 31st of October at 11am, I will be telling you about what I pledge to do for the month of November during a Facebook live on my Jacki Bruniquel Coaching Page. 

If you join me I will send you some PDF’s with exercises that are designed to help you work out a self care routine that suits you, plus ways in which to boost your creativity.

For the month of November I will be going live once a week. All you need to do is  click here, to fill in the Opt In page with your email address, so that I can send you the PDFS and remind you when I will be going live.

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Best of South African Hindu Weddings

Best of South African Hindu Weddings

A while ago a young photographer confided in me that when she gets a wedding enquiry from a person with an obvious Indian name she turns down the wedding immediately by saying she is already booked. I was shocked and my mind jumped to conclusions. Then she told me that she had shot a few Hindu weddings and that these clients wanted mainly posed formal pictures, which she felt wasn’t her style. It is true that there are many Hindu clients that require loads and LOADS of posed pics, in fact I have heard of a wedding where the newly wed couple stood and posed for a photo with each of the 600 guests that attended the wedding! This old school style of wedding photography is not very documentary driven and perhaps not very creative. There are many people who still want that but there are many who don’t!

I absolutely love shooting Hindu weddings and I have been lucky to find some pretty darn awesome clients who have chosen me because my style of shooting resonates with them. They chose me because they wanted me to capture the spirit, atmosphere and emotion of the day. All of them respected the fact that I was not that photographer who was going to take a photo of them with each guest and the fact is that they had hired me to do a different job. My job was to record the way the wedding felt so that in years to come they could be transported back to those moments and relive the day!

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Best of Weddings 2014

Best of Weddings 2014

2014 has been a profound year in the history of Jacki Bruniquel. There were intense periods where I felt as if I could hardly breathe, but there was also time for fun at Afrika Burn and time for reflection in Bali. Now that 2014 is over I can look back and say that I learnt a lot, I grew a lot and I have a lot to be grateful for.

Bali taught me that practicing daily gratitude is a key to living a happier life. I thank my lucky stars every day that I get to do a job where I get to be creative and capture beauty. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the wonderful people who have entrusted me to photograph their weddings in my own way over the past year. Huge thanks to all the special suppliers who have worked alongside me and special mention must also be made of my assistant Liz.

Here are some of my favorite weddings photos from 2014!

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