International photography award – 4 Fearless Award in Round 10

International photography award – 4 Fearless Award in Round 10

Fearless Photographers is an international wedding photography directory that represents photographers who produce wedding photos that wow! I have been so inspired by the absolutely outstanding photography on this site. Some of my wedding photography idols are a part of Fearless Photographers so it really blows me away that every time I have entered the Fearless awards thus far I have received an award. This time I got 4!! Apparently there were thousands of entries and about 650 different photographers who entered from all over the world. I would really like to thank the  couples in these pics as without them I wouldn’t have a job and wouldn’t have been able to make these photos, thanks also to Fearless photographers for always motivating me to think out of the box!

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Another Fearless Award – Happy days

Another Fearless Award – Happy days

Fearless Photographers is an international organisation which is dedicated to kickaas wedding photography, the type of wedding photography that is honest and takes your breath away. It’s dedicated to real moments, real emotion, great technical ability, and well seen photos. I decided to join them not so long ago as I am just completely blown away and inspired by the level of work that Fearless Photographers produce. Every couple of months they have a competition and the winners are given “Fearless awards”. I got 2 Fearless awards the first time I entered, which you can see here, and this time I got one. The judges received 2500 entries and only 183 were given awards. The level of photography is mind blowing to me so it really is a huge honor. You can see the rest of the amazing photos which were given awards on The Fearless Site. Thanks to Theresa and Rego as I couldn’t have taken this pic without you.

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2 Fearless Awards

2 Fearless Awards

I have never really been one for competitions in fact I have only entered one photography competition in my whole life. This was the Nikon awards which were held last year and even then I didn’t enter a single wedding pic. A while back I stumbled on The Fearless Photographers site and was blown away. This is a group of photographers who are dedicated to seeing beyond “safe” wedding shots and are pushing boundaries in terms of moment capturing, interesting angles an wonderful composition. Every few months they have a competition and the winners are given “Fearless Awards”. I decided to enter. A few days ago they put about 100 images up to public vote on their facebook page, the 10 with the most votes were then given awards along with the other 110 or so that had already been chosen by an independent panel of judges. 3 of my images made it through to this round but didn’t make it to the finals where photographers are given awards. A whole load of you voted and I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for voting for me. It is much appreciated. 2 other images of mine did however make it straight through to the finals which is just such a huge accolade as I am constantly inspired by this site and cannot believe my images are even anywhere near this level of photography. They received over 2000 entries and only 126 images received awards. Sooo happy!!!!

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